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Synchronized and Salesforce Data Extensions in SFMC

  In the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), there are distinct dissimilarities between Synchronized Data Extensions and Salesforce Data Exte...

15 December 2023

What Are The List We Use In SFMC


Lists is a collection of contacts or subscribers that have been grouped together based on specific criteria or characteristics. This could include demographic information, behavioral data, or past interactions with the brand. Lists can be created and managed within the Marketing Cloud platform, making it easy for marketers to keep track of their audience and target them with personalized and relevant content. 

While using lists in Salesforce Marketing Cloud is the ability to segment your audience. With lists, marketers can easily divide their contacts into smaller groups based on shared attributes. This allows for more targeted and tailored communication, as marketers can send messages to specific segments based on their interests, preferences, or behaviors. 

There are Two Types of List are Used in SFMC : 
1. Publication Lists :  Publication lists allow subscribers to control what types of communications they receive, such as opting out of future sends from a particular list (it helps to imagine an email preference center here).

If no Publication List is selected at send time, the All Subscribers list is used by default. You can find an All Subscribers list as well as Publication lists in Marketing Cloud’s Email Studio. 

2. Suppression Lists : A suppression list is a list of subscribers that you don't want to receive your communications. Suppression lists serve as a do not contact list for your email sends.

Examples of the types of addresses included on a suppression list are addresses with a history of spam complaints, unsubscribe lists from previous providers or advertisers, addresses of your competitors, and canceled customers.

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